the ruby

Corundum Family.
Color: Red variety of the Corundum family.
Main sources: Burma, Mozambique, Tanzania
The ruby feeds on light, whether natural or artificial, to make its color and brilliance vibrate. This is what is called the ruby's fire.
In History
The ruby holds a special place in India. In Sanskrit, the ruby is called "ratnaraj" which translates as "King of the Precious Stones".
The Peace Ruby. It owes its name to its discovery in Burma on June 30, 1919, just two days after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. This deep red ruby called "Pigeon's Blood" is round in shape and weighs 25 carats. This priceless gem is on display at theAmerican Museum of Natural History of New York.
The Carmen Lucia Ruby is a 23-carat Burmese ruby of exceptional purity and flamboyant color. Found in the 1930s, it was purchased by an American businessman who donated it to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington in memory of his wife Carmen Lucia.